Colunata Eventos – Bom Jesus do Monte, Braga

24, 25, 26, 27 April 2024



We live in a time of contradictions, difficult challenges and, at the same time, a desire for a deep reflection on the human, on life, and on the future, together with a certain eagerness to relearn how to live. We have witnessed a growing process of secularisation, while simultaneously seeing a gradual affirmation of the value of spirituality and mysticism, not only by people individually, but also by the various sciences. Numerous studies published in the areas of Medicine, Psychology, Management, Theology, History, Sociology, Religious Sciences, Philosophy, etc., have shown how crucial the spiritual dimension is for the human, namely when we talk about the full development of the person, happiness, entrepreneurship, leadership, resilience, religious experience, humanist politics, integral education, and training, the identity of a nation and a culture, Europe, globalisation, etc. Curiously, mystics appear in the eyes of the various sciences as true “makers of history” and notable teachers, entrepreneurs, psychologists, and poets. It is noteworthy too to stress the indisputable importance currently attributed to both spirituality and mystic when we talk about interreligious dialogue, being these two human dimensions one of the most favourable elements for dialogue. In fact, the human being is always a restless being in search for meaningful answers; answers which can clarify the innumerable questions about its existence, about life beyond death, about what surrounds it, and the transcendent, about the existence of the divine. Experiencing limits and incessantly seeking the non-limit are natural conditions of the human being.

The I International Congress of Spirituality and Mystic. In search of the non-limit, promoted and directed by the Institute of Christian History and Art (IHAC) and the Institute of Advanced Studies in Catholicism and Globalization (IEAC-GO), proposes to address the theme of spirituality and mystic, involving various specialists in these matters, in order to offer all those who participate in the congress an up-to-date reflection on the various aspects that involve these two fields. The congress will take place at Colunata Eventos, in Bom Jesus do Monte, Braga, on the 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th of April 2024.

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